Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Quality Assurance Training Is Essential For A Career In Software

QA and test analyst job ads have stressed the need for the test automation skills in the past few years. Earlier, the recruiters used to advise the testers to gain the technical and test automation skills and Learn QA Automation. Since then, the demand for test automation has continued to grow, and now some organizations are eliminating manual testers and hiring only test professionals trained with test automation skills.

Jerry Weinberg, a renowned computer scientist and testing expert once said, “If you are not learning something new each day, then you are not testing”. This statement holds true especially when technology is advancing rapidly and accelerated development and continuous deployments are getting more complex, making testing a significant activity. This demands more thought on the part of testers to do their job right.

Hence, learning QA Automation and improving the technical skills becomes inevitable to be in sync with the trends and to avoid becoming obsolete. Every tester needs to be able to do a variety of things to remain competitive and relevant in the market, such as:
  • Investigating the requirements
  • Understanding product information
  • Communicating with the clients
A tester with automated test skills knows the following:
  • Playback the pre-recorded and predefined actions with the help of the tools
  • Compare the results to the expected behavior
  • Report the success or failure of the manual tests
Once automated tests are designed, they can easily be repeated anytime and they can be extended to perform tasks which are impossible with manual testing. These are some reasons why managers now find automated software testing as an essential component of successful development projects.

On the other hand, manual software testing is performed by a human sitting in front of a computer carefully going through the application screens, comparing the results to the expected behavior and recording their observations. Sounds hectic, right? The benefits of the automated testing are as follows:
  • Saves time and money
Software tests ought to be repeated often during development cycles to ensure quality. The software tests should be repeated every time whenever a change is made in the source code. Repeating these tests manually is costly and time-consuming. After the test is created once, automated tests can be run repeatedly at no additional cost and they are much faster than the manual tests.
  • Improves accuracy
Even the most reliable tester can make mistakes during manual testing. Automated tests perform the same steps precisely every time they are executed and also record detailed results.
  • Increases the test intensity
Automated software testing can increase the intensity and the scope of tests to help improve the software quality. Lengthy tests that are often avoided during manual testing can be run easily. Automated software testing can look inside an application and see memory contents, data tables, and file contents to ascertain if the product is performing as expected.
  • Improves team morale and saves time for other tasks
Executing repetitive tasks with automated software testing gives time to the employees to spend on more challenging and rewarding projects. Team members can invest the time in improving their skill sets and confidence.
Technosoft Academy shows you the right path and trains you as well. Technosoft Academy has a team of great mentors who help you to learn QA Automation easily. Technosoft has an apt environment, good trainers and a platform that can give you a great start. Build your career in software testing with our QA automation training and selenium bootcamp.

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